An area

See Also

An area, as far as Grabber2k is concerned, is any area the user selects, by placing the mouse cursor over the start of the are and pressing PrintScreen and then move to the end of the area and pressing PrintScreen again.

To capture an area, select Area from Capture Method in the Settings dialog or pick Area from the Quick Capture option on the tray menu. Once we have set this, we can capture and area by moving the mouse to where we want to start capturing from and then press PrintScreen to initiate the start of capturing, now move the mouse to where the capture should end to "surround" our selection with a visible selection area and press PrintScreen again. Area capturing allows us to be very specific about what we want. So, if we had a box :-


and we wanted just a tiny portion of the contents we could use area capture to select the area we wanted, for example :-
